Today Cami asked a Question.....
"Ok...I've realized that as Torah Keepers we have a bit in common with the 7th Day guys...can anyone explain the huge differences between them and us?" Cami
I proceeded to give Cami my personal take:)
Meet some of "The Team"
From one "Loose" perspective....The Torah Keeping line comes from the church of God 7th day...the folks who rejected Ellen White and came for the most part from the Baptist Millerite movement.
After the Millerite split the next transition came from a well-publicized member of the Church of God (7th Day)'..... evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong (1893–1986). In 1927 Armstrong was challenged by his wife, Loma, to find a Biblical justification for keeping Sunday as the Christian Sabbath day. Loma had come under the influence of Mrs. Runcorn, a member of the Seventh Day church in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Emma Runcorn and her husband Ora were lay leaders in the Oregon conference. Armstrong soon became a minister for that church and a writer for the Bible Advocate journal. Within a few years Armstrong began teaching the British-Israel Theory - the alternative history that regarded the nations of Western Europe and North America as the literal descendants of the "Lost Ten Tribes" of Israel - and the mandatory keeping of the Feast Days in Leviticus 23. Armstrong was ultimately disfellowshipped by the Church of God (7th Day) - Salem Conference over these two issues, which were not original doctrines of the Churches of God (7th Day)
After dis-fellowship he founded the WWCG in the late 1920's until it's breakup in the early 1990's at that time some disenfranchised members found camp with guys like Michael Rood and Zola Levitt who was connected to Jhan Muskovitch (Jews for Jesus) and all connected eventually connected to Nehemiah Gordon....who had some doors open from the National Football League (Keith Johnson and Reggie White)
It's Breakup
After the Millerite split the next transition came from a well-publicized member of the Church of God (7th Day)'..... evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong (1893–1986). In 1927 Armstrong was challenged by his wife, Loma, to find a Biblical justification for keeping Sunday as the Christian Sabbath day. Loma had come under the influence of Mrs. Runcorn, a member of the Seventh Day church in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. Emma Runcorn and her husband Ora were lay leaders in the Oregon conference. Armstrong soon became a minister for that church and a writer for the Bible Advocate journal. Within a few years Armstrong began teaching the British-Israel Theory - the alternative history that regarded the nations of Western Europe and North America as the literal descendants of the "Lost Ten Tribes" of Israel - and the mandatory keeping of the Feast Days in Leviticus 23. Armstrong was ultimately disfellowshipped by the Church of God (7th Day) - Salem Conference over these two issues, which were not original doctrines of the Churches of God (7th Day)
After dis-fellowship he founded the WWCG in the late 1920's until it's breakup in the early 1990's at that time some disenfranchised members found camp with guys like Michael Rood and Zola Levitt who was connected to Jhan Muskovitch (Jews for Jesus) and all connected eventually connected to Nehemiah Gordon....who had some doors open from the National Football League (Keith Johnson and Reggie White)
It's Breakup
Zola Levitt ministries interview with Jhan Muskovitch
Michael Rood's connection to West Michigan and WCG splinters to a degree forwarded his ministry in the void created by the WWCG collapse.
Reggie White and Finding the Truth
The early West Michigan connections started to flow from a small group, including some of my family members, out of Holt Michigan prior to the ministry of Herbert Armstrong.