Thus says the Creator, "Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; And you will find rest for your souls.....Jeremiah 6:16 ***** |
This site was created to help those who are seeking to understand the Hebrew Roots of the 1st century faith of (Jesus)Yahshua Messiah. The following ministries are involved in helping people find this path. In order for us to be sincere followers of (Jesus)Yahshua the Messiah we need to better understand how He walked so we can follow Him in the same manner. Welcome to this journey.
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Basic Introduction Videos
and Current Core Teachings being explored.
and Current Core Teachings being explored.
Click on the Buttons/Pics
to Review the Teaching and Information for each Ministry.
Assembly Of Yahweh
Pioneer Ministry in the Restoration of Biblical Truth.
Additional Information and Resources for AOY
Some of The History of the Midwest Church and the Restoration Movement
The Church in America
This Lecture Shows the Revelation 12 church (Sabbath Keeping Church)
Headquartered at some point in it's history in
The Eastern States & Midwest (Rhode Island, West through Central Michigan and Stanberry Missouri)
Headquartered at some point in it's history in
The Eastern States & Midwest (Rhode Island, West through Central Michigan and Stanberry Missouri)
119 Ministries
119 Ministries is a ministry dedicated to seeking, teaching and living out the truth of the Word. Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the
Word as Yah (God) originally intended.
Amazing Discoveries
Amazing Discoveries is a non-profit organization committed to exposing deceptions in the areas of science and creation, current world events, Bible Prophecy, the music world, health and nutrition.
Arthur Bailey
Internationally known Dr. Arthur Bailey, Arthur Bailey's ministry spans the continents of Africa, Asia and North America, equipping Yahweh's people for the work of ministry and to answer the call of leadership, discipleship and service.
Christian Biblical
Church of God
Dedicated to Restoring Original Christianity for today—the true, original Gospel as revealed and taught by Yahshua Messiah
Church at Home
Web sites for the purpose of preserving biblical truth. Over 1500 audio sermons and Bible studies are available for download, including hundreds of video sermons, sermon transcripts and biblical articles. Commentaries, histories and chronologies are also available.
United Congregation of Yahweh - Milton Florida
We are a congregation of believers that seek fellowship and unity in Yahshua. Dividing over endless debates is of the flesh and is a plague in the congregations. Let's stop fighting over non-salvific opinions and come together for fellowship.
Congregation of YHWH - Israel
We are a worldwide Ministry aimed at restoring the Faith once delivered by Yahshua of Nazareth
to the original Congregation almost 2,000 years ago.
We are a worldwide Ministry aimed at restoring the Faith once delivered by Yahshua of Nazareth
to the original Congregation almost 2,000 years ago.
Corner Fringe Ministries
To bring the “Good News” of Yeshua/Jesus to the Jew and Gentile, making disciples of Yeshua from all nations;
teaching all to repent from their sins and believe in Him!
El Shaddai Ministries
Pastor Mark Biltz
El Shaddai Ministries is a
Hebrew Roots
Resource and
Teaching Ministry.
Hebraic Heritage Ministries International
Dedicated to restoring
the Hebraic roots
of Christianity.
Dedicated to restoring
the Hebraic roots
of Christianity.
Pioneer Ministry in Introducing Jewish Thought into Christianity
Dean Wheelock has a ministry that is a teaching ministry dedicated to exploring the Hebraic roots of the Christian Faith. It began in the spring of 1996 when Dean & Susan Wheelock (husband and wife) felt a need to communicate to their friends and relatives what they had been learning about their Savior Y'shua HaMashiach (Yah-shoe'-ah Hah Mah-shee'-akh = Hebrew for 'Jesus the Messiah'). Since that time this Mom and Pop Ministry has grown to include Subscribers from around the world as well as a significant number of incarcerated Believers.
Jerusalem Temple Study
- The ministry was founded by Joseph Good who continues to preside over its administration and teaching materials. Joseph has studied for years, exploring the original intent of scripture.
Hatikva Ministries is a non‐profit research and educational organization that teaches and produces materials in accordance with:Teaching the good news of the Messiah and the coming redemption,
Revealing the Jewish roots of the faith, and,
Standing against anti‐semitism.
Lion & Lamb Ministries
Since 1995 Lion & Lamb Ministries has set our eyes on accomplishing the missions that the Lord has called us to. Below are the callings we believe the Lord has on our ministry:
-Preparing the saints of God, both Jew and non-Jew, for the events of the Great Tribulation and the last years of this age.
-Providing prophetic insight and understanding concerning the return of Yeshua the Messiah to the Earth.
-Teaching the Torah and strengthening our faith in and obedience to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
-Presenting Messiah Yeshua as the King of Israel and ourselves as His bondservants.
-Encouraging all believers in the observance of Sabbath and the Biblical festivals.
-Preparing the saints of God, both Jew and non-Jew, for the events of the Great Tribulation and the last years of this age.
-Providing prophetic insight and understanding concerning the return of Yeshua the Messiah to the Earth.
-Teaching the Torah and strengthening our faith in and obedience to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
-Presenting Messiah Yeshua as the King of Israel and ourselves as His bondservants.
-Encouraging all believers in the observance of Sabbath and the Biblical festivals.
Time is the Ally of Deceit
Join Richard Rives, author of the book Time is the Ally of Deceit, for an overview of historical events that led to the abandonment of Biblical precepts and their replacement by Traditional Christianity.
Herbert W. Armstrong
The Life Story of a Man most of us in the Hebrew Roots/Messianic movement have never heard about and part of our true legacy in the faith once delivered.
Torah Class
Our 7-fold mission is to: 1) worship and study the whole Word of God in spirit and truth, 2) recover the foundational patterns and principles of the bible as exhibited in the 1st generation church, 3) revitalize Torah principles in our lives and hearts in light of the advent of Jesus, 4) bless (and be blessed by) Israel, the land and the people, 5) break down the wall of division between Jew and gentile, 6) restore the pure spirit and basic purpose of the earliest Messianic movement that began with Jews and expanded to include gentiles (the Church) following the death and resurrection of Our Savior Yeshua (Jesus) and 7) to make available to others around the world, at no cost, the teachings and lessons of Torah Class and the works of outstanding and godly Bible and Torah scholars, academics, Rabbis, Teachers, and writers.
Torah Life Ministries
It is in our heart to help fellow believers understand the important health message found in the Scriptures without incorporating the “New Age” associated with so many health teachings today. In addition to optimum physical health, we also have a passion to teach people how to appear in the world to glorify Yahweh, by dressing modestly. We seek to glorify Yahweh physically and spiritually and set an example for people everywhere.
We are also here to:
• Strengthen families worldwide
• Teach the Hebrew roots of the faith
• Expose pagan practices of religion
• Provide the educational support to those in need
Matthew 9:35 And Yeshua was going around all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness.
We are also here to:
• Strengthen families worldwide
• Teach the Hebrew roots of the faith
• Expose pagan practices of religion
• Provide the educational support to those in need
Matthew 9:35 And Yeshua was going around all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness.
...remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.
T'Shuva Ministries
T’shuva literally means “return” and is the word used to describe the concept of repentance in Hebrew. Only by atoning for our sins can we restore balance to our relationship with YHVH and with our fellow human beings. It is most frequently associated with the High Holy Days but people can seek forgiveness for wrongs they have committed at any time. Our mission and goal is simple. Provide a resource for those who are new to YHVH’s Word, the Torah, and to glorify His name by proclaiming the good news of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus).
We are a Bible teaching ministry that believes and teaches the whole Bible. We want to be like the noble Bereans who studied the Scriptures daily to know the truth, and we are here to contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.
David Wilber
David Wilber is an author, Bible teacher, and CEO of Pronomian Publishing LLC. He has written several books and numerous theological articles, with his work appearing in outlets such as the Christian Post. David has spoken at churches and conferences across the nation and has served as a researcher and Bible teacher for 119 Ministries, Founded in Truth Fellowship, Freedom Hill Community, InspiringPhilosophy, and Talk About Doubts.
David Wilber is an author, Bible teacher, and CEO of Pronomian Publishing LLC. He has written several books and numerous theological articles, with his work appearing in outlets such as the Christian Post. David has spoken at churches and conferences across the nation and has served as a researcher and Bible teacher for 119 Ministries, Founded in Truth Fellowship, Freedom Hill Community, InspiringPhilosophy, and Talk About Doubts.
WildBranch Ministry
Brad Scott
The WildBranch focus is to restore the ways of our Creator to His people by teaching the Old and New Testaments from the language and culture of the people who penned them.
Accurately forecasting major events in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Anglo-America based on Bible prophecy.
Holy Days of Our Lord
The World to Come
![]() In an age of uncertainty, The World to Come is a voice of plain truth, proclaiming humanity’s only hope—and in terms heard nowhere else! Video broadcasts address prophecy, basic Bible truths and much more. (Also available on YouTube.)
Restored Church of God
![]() The Restored Church of God (RCG) announces a message of hope—the good news of the coming kingdom of God—to all nations. Headquartered in Wadsworth, Ohio, the Church distributes millions of items free of charge each year, in six languages. RCG has congregations in more than 50 countries, spread across six continents.
History Of Ancient Israel
Ambassador College Class Lectures
by Richard Paige from 1986-87
Religious Traps in the Messianic Faith
In this teaching Arthur Bailey exposes Religious Traps in the Messianic Faith"
The House of Israel
The House of Judah
"A look at the Prophecies of the Scriptures in regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the Many Nations of Israel, the Scattered Tribes."...Reunited.
The House of Judah
"A look at the Prophecies of the Scriptures in regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the Many Nations of Israel, the Scattered Tribes."...Reunited.