Where is the Church/Following
that Jesus (Yahshua) Started?
Are There Two Distinct Church Groups in the End Time?
Understanding Biblical Church Government and Where it Went Wrong.
We will first take a look at Church Government based or projected on Hierarchy.
Revelation 12 - Church
* Sukkot/Booths * Passover * Sabbath >Click>* Set Apart * Distinct Biblical Attributes * Deuteronomy 4:2 * Lev 23 David C. Pack - Has claimed to be the principle Leader/Apostle of the Revelation 12 Church. |
Revelation 17 - Church
* Christmas * Easter * (Sun)day > Click>* Ecumenism * Mixture of Belief Systems * Daniel 7:25 There is a Papal Claim on Apostolic Succession from St. Peter to Now |
Understanding These Current Two Men/Offices
Click the Buttons below for a Historical viewpoint from each Church.
Understanding the History of
"The Beast of Revelation"
The Basics of This Doctrine presented by HWA.
The Two Churches- The Church of God / The Great World Church
One Viewpoint against Hierarchical Church Government.
The Main Problem with Non-Plural Leadership
Some Final Thoughts
Few know that the Bible details the intended structure for the Body of the Messiah...even fewer might realize that our Lord really cares how we choose to organize ourselves.